
Ermis Network - June 2024

This Ermis Network - Privacy Policy is intended to inform users of Ermis Network's approach to privacy in respect of its website ("Website"). If you are visiting our Website, this Privacy Policy applies to you. This Privacy Policy does not apply to you if you are visiting any other Ermis Network website. In such cases, please consult the relevant privacy policy as applicable.

Who We Are

Whenever "Ermis Network" or "we" is used in this Privacy Policy, we're referring to Ermis Network, a company based in Vietnam. Our contact information can be found on our website and at the end of this Privacy Policy.cers, employees, agents, and any other representatives of Ermis Network. For the purposes of these terms, "representatives" also includes Ermis Network core contributors without prejudice to the other legal categories mentioned. Our contact information can be found at the end of the Website Terms of Use.Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Ermis Network Limits Its Collection and Processing of Personal Data from Your Use of the Website

Ermis Network limits its collection and processing of personal data from users of the Website. As such, we only collect and process the following personal data:

- Registration Information: Ermis Network collects information from you when you register on the Website for various reasons, such as to sign up for early access or to participate in discussion features of the Website. When registering on our site, you may be asked to enter your name, your email address, a username, or an Ethereum address. You may, however, visit our site without registering. Your email address will be verified by an email containing a unique link. If that link is visited, we know that you control the email address.

- IP Address: We note that Ermis Network itself does not collect IP addresses of users; however, this may still be collected by third parties, namely the hosting provider of this Website. For more on this, please see the section below: "Third Party Collection of Personal Data".

- Analytics: Ermis Network also makes use of privacy-focused analytics, which collects trends and insights (but not personal details) about website visitors. As part of such use, we briefly process your IP address, but we have no way of identifying you. We, however, have a legitimate interest in processing such IP addresses to improve our website and business continually. This IP address is not stored over time.

Third Party Collection of Personal Data

In addition to the above, Ermis Network utilizes a third-party provider ("Hosting Provider") who hosts this Website and may automatically collect, process, and store certain personal data that includes IP addresses, system configuration information, and other information about traffic to and from the Website, as well as general location information derived from such IP addresses. The personal information and the purpose for which it is collected by the hosting provider of this Website is set out in their privacy policy. We do note the following:

- IP Addresses: As part of the Hosting Provider's provision of hosting services to Ermis Network, they may also indirectly collect and process your IP address. They further utilize a third-party database to map the general location to which each IP address corresponds ("Location Information"). The Location Information that is mapped from an IP address is limited to country and city; however, the precise location is not identifiable. The Hosting Provider uses this Location Information to more effectively provide their services to Ermis Network.

- Cookies: While Ermis Network itself does not use cookies on the Website, the Hosting Provider may set cookies on the Website, which are necessary for purposes such as its functionality and use.

Security Measures We Take in Respect of the Website

As a general approach, Ermis Network takes data security seriously and implements a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal data when you enter, submit, or access such information.

Your Choices and Rights

As explained in this Privacy Policy, Ermis Network limits its collection and processing of your personal data. Nonetheless, you still have certain choices and rights in respect of the personal data which we do collect and process. As laid out in relevant privacy legislation, you have the right to:

- Ask us to correct or update your personal data (where possible)

- Ask us to remove your personal data from our systems

- Ask us for a copy of your personal data, which may also be transferred to another data controller at your request

- Withdraw your consent to process your personal data (only if consent was asked for a processing activity), which only affects processing activities that are based on your consent and doesn't affect the validity of such processing activities before you have withdrawn your consent

- Object to the processing of your personal data

- File a complaint with the relevant data protection authority if you believe that your personal data has been processed unlawfully

To the extent that you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please email us at

Third Party Links

On the Website, you may come across links to third-party websites. These third-party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We, therefore, have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites.

The Ermis Network Privacy Policy Might Change

We may modify or replace any part of this Privacy Policy. Please check our website periodically for any changes. The new Privacy Policy will be effective immediately upon its posting on our website.